Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How to find "Cold Words"

I just thought I'd post about how to find my latest story in print, for those of you who'd like to read it.

"Cold Words" is out right now in the October issue of Analog magazine. You can typically find it at Borders or Barnes and Noble if you look in their magazine section. Here are a couple of reviews:

"This is an effective portrayal of the alien from several different points of view–between species, between clans, and between competing interests even among the same groups. Individuals may make friends, yet still see each other as predator and prey."

- Lois Tilton, IROSF

"Standout story of the issue was 'Cold Words.' The aliens were imho perfectly realized -- and realized as individuals -- from the inside out. I did not detect a single false note in the story."

- Michael Flynn, author of The January Dancer

Today's post will be short because I'm still half-asleep with jetlag.


  1. Very selfless of Michael to say your story was the standout--since he has a story in the issue also. :)

    I picked up a copy and hope to get to read it soon.

  2. Yes, indeed, David. I was quite blown away by that.

  3. Congrats on the glowing notices, Juliette.

  4. Thanks so much, Catreona. I really appreciate it.

  5. Congratulations, Juliette.

    I have subscribed, due to a lack of issues in store Down Under.

    According to the latest email, my subscription starts with the October issue, and may take up to 14 weeks to reach me.

    That means (gasp) I may not read the October issue until...October! :)

  6. Thanks, David. I'm glad you will continue to get Analog, and I hope from a personal perspective that you will get the October issue! Isn't it wacky how the issues come out two months before their actual monthly date?

  7. Yes, it is. I'm glad I'll be getting your story too, Juliette.

    I really feel the workshops have helped me become a better writer.

    It will be good to read your work.
