Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is it a spaceship or a cloud?

Funny that I'd see this question asked just after I asked it myself in "At Cross Purposes"! Check out the fantastic photo, here.


  1. Thanks for reminding me of the site! My days have been lacking that certain something for a while now. I'll certainly be making up for lost time.

  2. It's awesome in the original sense of the word.

  3. This is the correct link: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap101130.html . The page you linked to is the current day's image, which changes from day to day.

  4. JDsg, I actually think I'm glad to have linked specifically to the cloud picture for this post. However, I'm sure many of my readers will be interested in seeing the pictures continue to be updated, so thanks very much for the link.
