Friday, May 11, 2012

Link: A terrific article on "The Lie" as a driver in your story

My friend Janice Hardy put me on to this article. It's a good one, and is really making me think. What lie does your character believe at the beginning? How does he or she find the way to the truth by the end of the story?


  1. I really enjoyed this too. "The lie" seems almost analogous to internal conflict compared to stakes for external...

  2. Yes, there are definitely similarities.

  3. If I remember correctly, I added that article onto my weekly round-up. It's an intriguing concept that I need to put more thought into.

  4. Interesting. I think I may have played with that a little in my current WIP but the challenge to the lie doesn't take the whole book. Though I suppose in a way, certain aspects of that lie do continue for awhile.
